Product Group 12

The olifu
Games with Rules.

Perception, numbers, interaction …

Product Group 12

Games with Rules.

Wahrnehmung, Zahlen, Interaktion

Life consists not only of freedoms. It’s in the spaces where people interact with each other that rules are unavoidable.

Nothing compares to our tabletop board games. They cover a wide range of themes and some of them can be played from a very early age. Many games emphasise skills such as hand-eye coordination, colour theory, estimating, and shape recognition. Our games also develop motor skills, dexterity, memory skills, and offer space to explore individual creativity.

Often they have to play with each other instead of against each other, so that learning to work in a team is not neglected either. With Torri, Caterpillar Feeding and other exciting rule games, we have a variety of choices to help the children in their self-regulation and to teach them to feel their feelings and also to be able to control them, to develop ambition and to interact with their social environment.

Life consists not only of freedoms. It’s in the spaces where people interact with each other that rules are unavoidable.

Nothing compares to our tabletop board games. They cover a wide range of themes and some of them can be played from a very early age. Many games emphasise skills such as hand-eye coordination, colour theory, estimating, and shape recognition. Our games also develop motor skills, dexterity, memory skills, and offer space to explore individual creativity.

Often they have to play with each other instead of against each other, so that learning to work in a team is not neglected either. With Torri, Caterpillar Feeding and other exciting rule games, we have a variety of choices to help the children in their self-regulation and to teach them to feel their feelings and also to be able to control them, to develop ambition and to interact with their social environment.

Life consists not only of freedoms. It’s in the spaces where people interact with each other that rules are unavoidable.

Nothing compares to our tabletop board games. They cover a wide range of themes and some of them can be played from a very early age. Many games emphasise skills such as hand-eye coordination, colour theory, estimating, and shape recognition. Our games also develop motor skills, dexterity, memory skills, and offer space to explore individual creativity.

Often they have to play with each other instead of against each other, so that learning to work in a team is not neglected either. With Torri, Caterpillar Feeding and other exciting rule games, we have a variety of choices to help the children in their self-regulation and to teach them to feel their feelings and also to be able to control them, to develop ambition and to interact with their social environment.

Sub-ranges of the product group

Kreativmemo 2

The creative memo 2 impresses with its rich variety and at the same time puts the memory of two to four players to the test.


A colourful game of strategy and coordination. The aim is to capture as many pieces as possible by stacking your colour on top and claiming the tower for yourself!

Caterpillar Picnic

Use the olifu spoon to help the little caterpillars, Cate, Caden, Callie and Cody fill their bellies!

Sub-ranges of the product group

Kreativmemo 2

The creative memo 2 impresses with its rich variety and at the same time puts the memory of two to four players to the test.


A colourful game of strategy and coordination. The aim is to capture as many pieces as possible by stacking your colour on top and claiming the tower for yourself!

Caterpillar Picnic

Use the olifu spoon to help the little caterpillars, Cate, Caden, Callie and Cody fill their bellies!

Sub-ranges of the product group

Kreativmemo 2

The creative memo 2 impresses with its rich variety and at the same time puts the memory of two to four players to the test.


A colourful game of strategy and coordination. The aim is to capture as many pieces as possible by stacking your colour on top and claiming the tower for yourself!

Caterpillar Picnic

Use the olifu spoon to help the little caterpillars, Cate, Caden, Callie and Cody fill their bellies!

Perception, attentiveness, speaking …

Kreativmemo 2

Kreativmemo 2 is suitable for two to four players from the age of two. This memory game is extremely wide-ranging with its 20 themes. It offers a lot of variety, as the respective slide-in strips with their themes are always combined in different ...

Speed, counting, coordination …

Caterpillar Picnic

This bamboo caterpillar game is full of fun for one to four players. The four little caterpillars from Caterpillar Town Cate, Caden, Cally and Cody are going on an adventure, but the long trip has made them so hungry that they can barely lift their spoons to eat! Please help the little caterpillars …

Numbers, fine motor skills, interaction …


Torri is a colourful game of strategy and coordination for 2-4 players.
The aim of olifu Torri is to capture as many pieces as possible by stacking your colour on top and claiming the tower for yourself! There are two options for how to advance …

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Wahrnehmung, Merkfähigkeit, Sprachförderung

Kreativmemo 2

Kreativmemo 2 is suitable for two to four players from the age of two. This memory game is extremely wide-ranging with its 20 themes. It offers a lot of variety, as the respective slide-in strips with their themes are always combined in different ...

Wahrnehmen, Koordination, Feinmotorik


The game Logigram (from “logic” and “diagram”) is an educational game that is accessible and fun for children aged 3-8 years. Free play with the Logitiles or placing the tiles in the right spot gives even 3-year-old children a chance to play ...

Legen, Farben und Formen, räumliches Vorstellungsvermögen


Quadrata is a placing game with 54 wooden pieces in a variety of shapes and sizes, two wooden board bases, and 60 task cards. Spatial awareness and logical thinking are put to the test alongside strategic placing, hand-eye coordination, experimentation …

Hören, Wahrnehmung, Sprache


Audima, formerly known as “Sound Memory 2”, was created in response to the popular demand for an expansion of our beloved and sought-after game, “Sound Memory 1”. The concept for Audima is …

Zahlen, Feinmotorik, Interaktion


Das olifu Torri ist ein Geschicklichkeits- und Strategiespiel für 2 bis 4 Spieler. Bei Torri versucht jeder Spieler, durch „Aufspringen“ auf den Gegner möglichst viele Spielsteine in seinen Besitz zu bringen, sodass bunte Türme entstehen. Es gibt 2 Möglichkeiten der Fortbewegung …

Schnelligkeit, Zahlen, Geschicklichkeit

Caterpillar Picnic

This bamboo caterpillar game is full of fun for one to four players. The four little caterpillars from Caterpillar Town Cate, Caden, Cally and Cody are going on an adventure, but the long trip has made them so hungry that they can barely lift their spoons to eat! Please help the little caterpillars …

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for game and learning concepts in your area.

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