Every game is in reality also an experiment, through which we discover and learn more about the world around us. The idea of experimentation comes naturally to children, as this is how they try to understand the world around them. To engage in an experiment, children need a space in which they can try new things and where “failing” is not a negative experience. This is how we can keep a child’s spirit of discovery alive while they also learn how to manage disappointments. With this in mind, we were motivated to develop a game concept consisting entirely of experimentation using balls. Balls are, after all, one of the most exciting and multi-faceted objects used in an experiment. KuKo experiments offer children many incentives to discover the world and to experience new “Aha!” moments.
Every game is in reality also an experiment, through which we discover and learn more about the world around us. The idea of experimentation comes naturally to children, as this is how they try to understand the world around them. To engage in an experiment, children need a space in which they can try new things and where “failing” is not a negative experience. This is how we can keep a child’s spirit of discovery alive while they also learn how to manage disappointments. With this in mind, we were motivated to develop a game concept consisting entirely of experimentation using balls. Balls are, after all, one of the most exciting and multi-faceted objects used in an experiment. KuKo experiments offer children many incentives to discover the world and to experience new “Aha!” moments.
Every game is in reality also an experiment, through which we discover and learn more about the world around us. The idea of experimentation comes naturally to children, as this is how they try to understand the world around them. To engage in an experiment, children need a space in which they can try new things and where “failing” is not a negative experience. This is how we can keep a child’s spirit of discovery alive while they also learn how to manage disappointments. With this in mind, we were motivated to develop a game concept consisting entirely of experimentation using balls. Balls are, after all, one of the most exciting and multi-faceted objects used in an experiment. KuKo experiments offer children many incentives to discover the world and to experience new “Aha!” moments.