We can only discover new continents
when we have the courage to leave the shore.
In order to support children and give them a confident start in life, parents and you with your facility are an important building block. Grasping and grasping things is the basis for an independent and self-sufficient life.
We as the olifu group and our partners would like to offer you the foundation for your individual lighthouse. The good feeling when the keys are handed over lies in knowing what is behind it. Through the advice tailored to you and through the mutually identified needs, we offer you the right material and equipment to ensure a strong luminosity.
The lighthouse shows the way when leaving the harbor and is also the signal point that helps to find the way back to safe harbor after exploring and exploring. And every day new continents are waiting to be discovered and frosted.
All this together offers children the great opportunity to lead a life in harmony with nature, to awaken the spirit of discovery and to promote logical thinking - as an anchor for a self-determined life.
Nur mit dem Mut, die Küste aus
den Augen zu verlieren, können
wir neue Kontinente entdecken.
In order to support children and give them a confident start in life, parents and you with your facility are an important building block. Grasping and grasping things is the basis for an independent and self-sufficient life.
We as the olifu group and our partners would like to offer you the foundation for your individual lighthouse. The good feeling when the keys are handed over lies in knowing what is behind it. Through the advice tailored to you and through the mutually identified needs, we offer you the right material and equipment to ensure a strong luminosity.
The lighthouse shows the way when leaving the harbor and is also the signal point that helps to find the way back to safe harbor after exploring and exploring. And every day new continents are waiting to be discovered and frosted.
All this together offers children the great opportunity to lead a life in harmony with nature, to awaken the spirit of discovery and to promote logical thinking - as an anchor for a self-determined life.
We can only discover new continents
when we have the courage to leave the shore.
In order to support children and give them a confident start in life, parents and you with your facility are an important building block. Grasping and grasping things is the basis for an independent and self-sufficient life.
Wir als Firmengruppe olifu und unsere Partner möchten Ihnen das Fundament für Ihren individuellen Leuchtturm bieten. Das gute Gefühl bei der Schlüsselübergabe liegt im Wissen, was sich dahinter verbirgt. Durch die auf Sie abgestimmte Beratung und durch
den gemeinsam herausgefundenen Bedarf bieten wir Ihnen das passende Material und die Ausstattung, um eine starke Leuchtkraft zu entfalten.
The lighthouse shows the way when leaving the harbor and is also the signal point that helps to find the way back to safe harbor after exploring and exploring. And every day new continents are waiting to be discovered and frosted.
All this together offers children the great opportunity to lead a life in harmony with nature, to awaken the spirit of discovery and to promote logical thinking - as an anchor for a self-determined life.
Creative solution finders
Who needs a world in which everything is the same - in which every part has to be installed strictly according to the instructions in order to achieve the one "perfect" result? Isn't it diversity that defines our world? Let's take nature as an example. She also doesn't plant 100 identical trees of a species according to instructions. That's what makes them special, that's what makes them so exciting, unique and strong.
"Everything reproduced in its own way."
Albert Einstein once said: "Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better." Shouldn't we take this as an example? Our society should be characterized by diversity, the transmission of values, colorful entrepreneurship, people who question and share their thoughts, who improvise and find solutions. This is also the foundation of the olifu lighthouse.
Too often, the virtual world with its technical possibilities, which are often used by large corporations, makes us dependent on it. Inertia and comfort are often the drivers for this. Of course, technology is helpful, useful and part of our future, but it must not replace our head and our thinking.

The first years of life are the most instructive and the strongest-willed at the same time. Maintaining this dynamic and perceiving the world with all five senses as often as possible protects us from being too dependent and is the basis for a self-sufficient life.
Discover talents and strengthen strengths
We at the olifu group of companies want to give children the opportunity to become active, to perceive their environment intensively and to find solutions to problems independently: "You can only prove your ability by doing!" (Dirk Bender)
This starts with the simplicity of our products and culminates in holistic and age-spanning learning concepts. We need doers again who are passionate about something, who are motivated and who bring society more together again - away from the egocentric towards the team player. To do this, however, young people must also be given the opportunity to discover their interests. Because we cannot afford not to challenge and support them in the best possible way and leave their talents unused. It is important to us to discover the children's talents and to strengthen their strengths.

Colorful entrepreneurship
The willingness to reinvent yourself again and again and to leave the beaten track is one of the most important prerequisites for shaping the future together.
"Nothing is constant, everything is in flux."
A thing is only as good as the people who believe in it, implement it with full conviction and pass it on to others.
This costs energy, requires a lot of initiative and also involves a certain risk, but it's worth it. We would like to give the little ones a self-confident start in life in the simplest possible way through our vision (see back) and the resulting olifu lighthouse. The individual concepts are age-spanning, timeless and sustainable in their execution. Due to our standardization and innovative extensions, many concepts build on each other
and are therefore compatible.
Often too little is invested in their education in the years when the children can achieve the most. Therefore, a rethinking, a change must take place, especially in our education system and in education. Children are trained to be all-rounders instead of specialists.
They need the balance between freedom and rules, the right material to try and pursue what actually motivates them. The consequence of this is to go more in depth than in breadth. The results are appreciation and increased self-confidence.
Closeness to nature
Our approaches are largely based on our closeness to nature, including the Hoher Vogelsberg nature reserve. Nature is our role model, it teaches us values such as patience, serenity and humility. It symbolizes the inner drive to grow, because every tree always grows as well as it can. We want to use the opportunities given to us to help convey appreciation and respect for nature to people and to live closer to nature again.

Creative solution finders
Who needs a world in which everything is the same - in which every part has to be installed strictly according to the instructions in order to achieve the one "perfect" result? Isn't it diversity that defines our world? Let's take nature as an example. She also doesn't plant 100 identical trees of a species according to instructions. That's what makes them special, that's what makes them so exciting, unique and strong.
"Everything reproduced in its own way."
Albert Einstein sagte einst: „Schau tief in die Natur, und dann wirst du alles besser verstehen.“ Sollten wir uns das nicht zum Vorbild nehmen? Unsere Gesellschaft sollte durch Vielfalt, Wertevermittlung, buntes Unternehmertum, Menschen die hinterfragen und ihre Gedanken teilen, improvisieren und Lösungen finden, geprägt sein. Dies ist auch das Fundament des olifu Leuchtturms.
Too often, the virtual world with its technical possibilities, which are often used by large corporations, makes us dependent on it. Inertia and comfort are often the drivers for this. Of course, technology is helpful, useful and part of our future, but it must not replace our head and our thinking.
The first years of life are the most instructive and the strongest-willed at the same time. Maintaining this dynamic and perceiving the world with all five senses as often as possible protects us from being too dependent and is the basis for a self-sufficient life.
Discover talents and strengthen strengths
We at the olifu group of companies want to give children the opportunity to become active, to perceive their environment intensively and to find solutions to problems independently:
"You can only prove your ability by doing!" (Dirk Bender)
Das fängt durch die Einfachheit unserer Produkte an und mündet in ganzheitlichen und altersübergreifenden Lernkonzepten. Wir brauchen wieder Macher, die für etwas brennen und motiviert sind, die Gesellschaft wieder mehr zusammenzubringen – weg vom Egozentriker, hin zum Teamplayer. Dazu müssen junge Menschen aber auch die Chance erhalten, ihre Interessen zu entdecken, denn wir können es uns nicht leisten, sie nicht bestmöglich zu fordern, zu fördern und ihre Talente ungenutzt zu lassen. Uns ist es wichtig, die Talente der Kinder zu entdecken und ihre Stärken zu stärken.
Colorful entrepreneurship
The willingness to reinvent yourself again and again and to leave the beaten track is one of the most important prerequisites for shaping the future together.
"Nothing is constant, everything is in flux."
A thing is only as good as the people who believe in it, implement it with full conviction and pass it on to others.
This costs energy, requires a lot of initiative and also involves a certain risk, but it's worth it. We would like to give the little ones a self-confident start in life in the simplest possible way through our vision (see back) and the resulting olifu lighthouse. The individual concepts are age-spanning, timeless and sustainable in their execution. Due to our standardization and innovative extensions, many concepts build on each other
and are therefore compatible.
In den Jahren, in denen sich bei den Kindern am meisten erreichen ließe, wird oft zu wenig in ihre Bildung investiert. Deshalb muss ein Umdenken, eine Veränderung stattfinden, vor allem in unserem Bildungssystem und in der Erziehung. Kinder werden zu Alleskönnern anstatt zu Spezialisten geschult. Sie brauchen die Balance zwischen Freiheit und Regeln, das richtige Material, um sich auszuprobieren und dem nachzugehen, was sie tatsächlich motiviert. Dies hat zur Folge mehr in die Tiefe als in die Breite zu gehen. Wertschätzung und ein gestärktes Selbstbewusstsein sind das Ergebnis daraus.
Closeness to nature
Unsere Ansätze beruhen in großen Teilen auf unserer Naturverbundenheit, unter anderem durch das Naturschutzgebiet Hoher Vogelsberg. Die Natur ist unser Vorbild, sie lehrt uns Werte wie Geduld, Gelassenheit und Demut. Sie steht sinnbildlich für den inneren Antrieb, zu wachsen. Jeder Baum wächst immer so gut er kann. Wir wollen mit den uns gegebenen Möglichkeiten dazu beitragen, den Menschen Wertschätzung und Respekt gegenüber der Natur zu vermitteln und wieder naturverbundener zu leben.

Creative solution finders
Who needs a world in which everything is the same - in which every part has to be installed strictly according to the instructions in order to achieve the one "perfect" result? Isn't it diversity that defines our world? Let's take nature as an example. She also doesn't plant 100 identical trees of a species according to instructions. That's what makes them special, that's what makes them so exciting, unique and strong.
"Everything reproduced in its own way."
Albert Einstein sagte einst: „Schau tief in die Natur, und dann wirst du alles besser verstehen.“ Sollten wir uns das nicht zum Vorbild nehmen? Unsere Gesellschaft sollte durch Vielfalt, Wertevermittlung, buntes Unternehmertum, Menschen die hinterfragen und ihre Gedanken teilen, improvisieren und Lösungen finden, geprägt sein. Dies ist auch das Fundament des olifu Leuchtturms.
Too often, the virtual world with its technical possibilities, which are often used by large corporations, makes us dependent on it. Inertia and comfort are often the drivers for this. Of course, technology is helpful, useful and part of our future, but it must not replace our head and our thinking.
The first years of life are the most instructive and the strongest-willed at the same time. Maintaining this dynamic and perceiving the world with all five senses as often as possible protects us from being too dependent and is the basis for a self-sufficient life.
Discover talents and strengthen strengths
We at the olifu group of companies want to give children the opportunity to become active, to perceive their environment intensively and to find solutions to problems independently:
"You can only prove your ability by doing!" (Dirk Bender)
Das fängt durch die Einfachheit unserer Produkte an und mündet in ganzheitlichen und altersübergreifenden Lernkonzepten. Wir brauchen wieder Macher, die für etwas brennen und motiviert sind, die Gesellschaft wieder mehr zusammenzubringen – weg vom Egozentriker, hin zum Teamplayer. Dazu müssen junge Menschen aber auch die Chance erhalten, ihre Interessen zu entdecken, denn wir können es uns nicht leisten, sie nicht bestmöglich zu fordern, zu fördern und ihre Talente ungenutzt zu lassen. Uns ist es wichtig, die Talente der Kinder zu entdecken und ihre Stärken zu stärken.
Colorful entrepreneurship
The willingness to reinvent yourself again and again and to leave the beaten track is one of the most important prerequisites for shaping the future together.
"Nothing is constant, everything is in flux."
Eine Sache ist nur so gut wie die Menschen, die daran glauben, dies aus voller Überzeugung auch umsetzen und an andere weitergeben. Das kostet zwar Kraft, erfordert viel Initiative und weist auch ein gewisses Risiko auf, aber es lohnt sich. Wir möchten den Kleinsten durch unsere Vision (s. Rückseite) und des daraus entstandenen olifu Leuchtturms auf möglichst einfache Art und Weise einen selbstbewussten Start in ihr Leben ermöglichen. Die einzelnen Konzepte sind altersübergreifend, zeitlos und nachhaltig in ihrer Ausführung. Durch unsere Standardisierung und innovativen Erweiterungen bauen viele Konzepte aufeinander auf
and are therefore compatible.
In den Jahren, in denen sich bei den Kindern am meisten erreichen ließe, wird oft zu wenig in ihre Bildung investiert. Deshalb muss ein Umdenken, eine Veränderung stattfinden, vor allem in unserem Bildungssystem und in der Erziehung. Kinder werden zu Alleskönnern anstatt zu Spezialisten geschult. Sie brauchen die Balance zwischen Freiheit und Regeln, das richtige Material, um sich auszuprobieren und dem nachzugehen, was sie tatsächlich motiviert. Dies hat zur Folge mehr in die Tiefe als in die Breite zu gehen. Wertschätzung und ein gestärktes Selbstbewusstsein sind das Ergebnis daraus.
Closeness to nature
Unsere Ansätze beruhen in großen Teilen auf unserer Naturverbundenheit, unter anderem durch das Naturschutzgebiet Hoher Vogelsberg. Die Natur ist unser Vorbild, sie lehrt uns Werte wie Geduld, Gelassenheit und Demut. Sie steht sinnbildlich für den inneren Antrieb, zu wachsen. Jeder Baum wächst immer so gut er kann. Wir wollen mit den uns gegebenen Möglichkeiten dazu beitragen, den Menschen Wertschätzung und Respekt gegenüber der Natur zu vermitteln und wieder naturverbundener zu leben.

The emergence
of the olifu lighthouse.
The olifu lighthouse pursues an in-depth instead of broad-based educational concept.
That means fewer all-rounders, more specialists. Therefore it is important to strengthen strengths - one of the principles of the olifu lighthouse.
The reasons for the emergence of the olifu lighthouse
The drive to develop the olifu lighthouse grew with my increasing realization that the basis for a self-sufficient life today is often not conveyed. By that I mean explicitly that the educational gap to give the handicraft the necessary appreciation again has to be closed.
Even as a schoolboy, I asked myself why one had to learn things for which one had neither talent nor ability. It would have been more logical for me to spend double or triple the time on things I enjoy. In my opinion, there would then be more specialists who support and complement each other as team players.
Another point for the emergence of the lighthouse: the increasing changes on our earth. Globalization and the constant growth of the virtual world are increasingly decoupling us from a down-to-earth and regional life. Finding our way back to the real world, which is literally comprehensible and tangible, helps us to slow down and focus on what is really important in our lives. This also includes stopping the overexploitation of nature through the sustainable use of resources. In my opinion, this is the most important task that lies ahead of us humans. If we want to continue living on this earth, man must adapt to nature, not nature to man. And for that, idealism must again come before profit! More and more people are recognizing these problems and are ready to rethink.
As a group of companies, we face these challenges with the olifu lighthouse developed by us, the resulting room concepts and further training courses tailored to our customers in our innovation center in Grünberg.
It is not uncommon for customers to experience the olifu lighthouse as an independent form of education. We are very honored by this. However, the focus was on developing a flexible lighthouse concept that can, if desired, make existing pedagogies shine even more. Our approach to this in-depth instead of broad-based educational concept is often the basis for a self-determined life. Experience has shown that this can be conveyed particularly well to children using large quantities of the same material. That is why we are always fascinated by how compatible the olifu lighthouse principle is with existing pedagogies and what synergy effects it produces.

The emergence
of the olifu lighthouse.
The olifu lighthouse pursues an in-depth instead of broad-based educational concept.
That means fewer all-rounders, more specialists. Therefore it is important to strengthen strengths - one of the principles of the olifu lighthouse.
The reasons for the emergence of the olifu lighthouse
The drive to develop the olifu lighthouse grew with my increasing realization that the basis for a self-sufficient life today is often not conveyed. By that I mean explicitly that the educational gap to give the handicraft the necessary appreciation again has to be closed.
Even as a schoolboy, I asked myself why one had to learn things for which one had neither talent nor ability. It would have been more logical for me to spend double or triple the time on things I enjoy. In my opinion, there would then be more specialists who support and complement each other as team players.
Another point for the emergence of the lighthouse: the increasing changes on our earth. Globalization and the constant growth of the virtual world are increasingly decoupling us from a down-to-earth and regional life. Finding our way back to the real world, which is literally comprehensible and tangible, helps us to slow down and focus on what is really important in our lives. This also includes stopping the overexploitation of nature through the sustainable use of resources. In my opinion, this is the most important task that lies ahead of us humans. If we want to continue living on this earth, man must adapt to nature, not nature to man. And for that, idealism must again come before profit! More and more people are recognizing these problems and are ready to rethink.
As a group of companies, we face these challenges with the olifu lighthouse developed by us, the resulting room concepts and further training courses tailored to our customers in our innovation center in Grünberg.
It is not uncommon for customers to experience the olifu lighthouse as an independent form of education. We are very honored by this. However, the focus was on developing a flexible lighthouse concept that can, if desired, make existing pedagogies shine even more. Our approach to this in-depth instead of broad-based educational concept is often the basis for a self-determined life. Experience has shown that this can be conveyed particularly well to children using large quantities of the same material. That is why we are always fascinated by how compatible the olifu lighthouse principle is with existing pedagogies and what synergy effects it produces.
The emergence
of the olifu lighthouse.
The olifu lighthouse pursues an in-depth instead of broad-based educational concept.
That means fewer all-rounders, more specialists. Therefore it is important to strengthen strengths - one of the principles of the olifu lighthouse.
The reasons for the emergence of the olifu lighthouse
The drive to develop the olifu lighthouse grew with my increasing realization that the basis for a self-sufficient life today is often not conveyed. By that I mean explicitly that the educational gap to give the handicraft the necessary appreciation again has to be closed.
Even as a schoolboy, I asked myself why one had to learn things for which one had neither talent nor ability. It would have been more logical for me to spend double or triple the time on things I enjoy. In my opinion, there would then be more specialists who support and complement each other as team players.

Another point for the emergence of the lighthouse: the increasing changes on our earth. Globalization and the constant growth of the virtual world are increasingly decoupling us from a down-to-earth and regional life. Finding our way back to the real world, which is literally comprehensible and tangible, helps us to slow down and focus on what is really important in our lives. This also includes stopping the overexploitation of nature through the sustainable use of resources. In my opinion, this is the most important task that lies ahead of us humans. If we want to continue living on this earth, man must adapt to nature, not nature to man. And for that, idealism must again come before profit! More and more people are recognizing these problems and are ready to rethink.
As a group of companies, we face these challenges with the olifu lighthouse developed by us, the resulting room concepts and further training courses tailored to our customers in our innovation center in Grünberg.
It is not uncommon for customers to experience the olifu lighthouse as an independent form of education. We are very honored by this. However, the focus was on developing a flexible lighthouse concept that can, if desired, make existing pedagogies shine even more. Our approach to this in-depth instead of broad-based educational concept is often the basis for a self-determined life. Experience has shown that this can be conveyed particularly well to children using large quantities of the same material. That is why we are always fascinated by how compatible the olifu lighthouse principle is with existing pedagogies and what synergy effects it produces.